Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieSantéHow Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

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How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

Unsurprisingly, sleep is not to be worried about.

lundi 12 d�c., Il y a 13 mois
 5 min

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In the fast paced world that we live in today, we are stressed out about many things, including sleep. A booming market has developed to address our sleep concerns but Dr. Jen Gunter explains what we should do instead.


• Lately - Recently.

• Slew - a large number or quantity of something.

• Flaw - imperfection.

• Fixate - cause (someone) to develop an obsessive attachment to someone or something.

• Range - a set of different things of the same general type.

• Doomsday - a time or event of crisis or great danger.
Source: Ted

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