Explorez les thématiquesDébutez !Commençons !Greetings

Débutez !


Greetings are the first words we use when we meet someone. They are important in English because they show politeness and start conversations.

mardi 28 d�c., Il y a 25 mois
 5 min

Dans cette
activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 7 exercices :

Visuel x 2
Texte à trous x 2
Choix multiple x 2
Good morning, how are you?
Hello, I'm fine thank you! And you, how are you?
I'm good, thanks.

Basic Greetings

1. " Hello "
• Used any time of the day.
Example:"Hello, how are you?"

2. " Hi "
• More informal than "Hello".
Example:"Hi, what's your name?"

3. " Good morning "
• Used until 12 PM (noon).
Example:"Good morning, did you sleep well ?"

4. " Good afternoon "
• Used from 12 PM to 6 PM.
Example:"Good afternoon , how's your day going?"

5. " Good evening "
• Used after 6 PM.
Example:"Good evening , have you had dinner?"

6. " Good night "
• Used when leaving in the evening or before bed .
Example:"Good night, see you tomorrow ."

À découvrir également dans « Commençons ! »

Explorez la thématique « Commençons ! » :Explorer

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5 minutes par jour !