Explorez les thématiquesSportsActualités sportivesBarbados intentionally scored an own goal to help them win


Barbados intentionally scored an own goal to help them win

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By SB Nation

Barbados intentionally scored an own goal to help them win by two thanks to a weird golden goal rule!
Barbados needed to win by two, but they were only up one. So instead of scoring in the traditional way they intentionally kicked in an own goal to get to extra time.
That way, they'd have a chance at a golden goal that for some reason was worth two goals instead of just the usual one.
Grenada spent three minutes trying to score on either net to keep themselves from getting knocked out, and the mayhem is still worth talking about today.

Difficult words from the video
roughly: approximately
dicey: unpredictable and potentially dangerous
tie: an equality in number
draw: tie
back and forth: moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one:
rogue: (usually for an animal) a dangerous wild person, apart from the group
caught on:to become aware of something

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