Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéNouvelles tendancesASMR: A unique brain phenomenon


ASMR: A unique brain phenomenon

ASMR: a unique brain phenomenonASMR stands for 'autonomous sensory meridian response' which people report experiencing in response to close personal attention or certain audio or visual stimuli.It's also known as ' brain tingles ' and has become a new craze in the social media age, though the practice has been around for much longer.

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Many YouTube channels and apps are now dedicated to ASMR.

Over the past decade, creators of ASMR videos, or "ASMRtists," have become incredibly popular, amassing millions of followers.

It is believed to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia - but not everyone experiences it.

For those who do experience it, they describe a pleasant tingling that starts at the top of their head and sometimes travels down their spine accompanied by a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness.

You experience a similar feeling to being massaged on the back of your head, but without actually being touched.

Some of the most common ASMR triggers include:

Finger fluttering
Personal attention
Paint mixing
Watching someone concentrate on a task

ASMR video creators use high-definition microphones that pick up every mouth noise, whisper, and finger flutter to try to stimulate an ASMR reaction in viewers.

Research determined that people who experience ASMR had a significant reduction in their heart rate while watching ASMR- inducing videos.
As more research is carried out, we may learn more about the therapeutic potential of ASMR.

Source: Very Well Mind

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