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Why parrots can talk like humans?

Monkeys are our closest biological relatives, and they can't speak. But parrots don’t seem to have a problem at all.

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Monkeys have vocal structures similar to humans but cannot speak. Birds, however, have a unique voice box called a syrinx, located at the bottom of their trachea, allowing them to produce and control sounds differently.Parrots can mimic human speech remarkably well by using their vocal tract skillfully. They employ esophageal speech to replicate sounds that humans make with lips, and they move their tongues and adjust their beaks to form vowels. Parrots use their tongues similarly to humans to shape sounds. Parrots are natural communicators. In the wild, they form strong social bonds, and in captivity, they see humans as their flock, prompting them to mimic human speech. Their brains are wired for communication from a young age, making them adept at learning and replicating sounds. In summary, while monkeys can't speak despite their similar vocal structures to humans, birds, particularly parrots, have evolved unique vocal mechanisms and social behaviors that enable them to imitate human speech effectively.


Macaque: A type of monkey.
Proposed: Suggested something, often a plan or idea.
Syrinx: The voice box in birds, located at the bottom of the trachea.
Esophageal: Related to the esophagus, the tube connecting the throat to the stomach.
Plosives: Sounds in speech produced by stopping airflow and then releasing it, like "p" or "b".
Flock: A group of birds.

Source: VOX

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