Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureWhy Do We Celebrate Christmas?

Arts et Loisirs

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

Today let's find out the origins of Christmas!

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Christmas is a global holiday celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. The name ''Christmas'' comes from the mass of Christ. People gather for Christmas services to remember Jesus' birth, the angels' announcement, and the tradition of gift-giving, symbolizing the belief that Jesus' birth was the greatest gift. Celebrations involve family, friends, Christmas stories, activities like building snowmen, enjoying delicious food, and reflecting on blessings. Various traditions, including decorating with lights, originated from historical events or inventions.


• Ornament: A decorative object used to add attractiveness to Christmas trees.
• Mass: A religious service or ceremon related to worship, prayer, and celebration.
• To gather: To come together or assemble in one place.
• Thought: past form of the verb ''to think''.
• Blessing (noun): Something that brings happiness or good fortune.
• Whether: Expresses a condition involving a choice between two or more alternatives or possibilities.
• Light bulb: An electric device that produces light when an electric current passes through it. It's used for lighting in homes and various other places.

Source: Thinking Captain YouTube channel.

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