Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieEnvironnementWhat is an eco-village ?

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What is an eco-village ?

Located in Canada on an extraordinary 25 acre forest and permaculture farm, O.U.R - which stands for 'One Unique Resource' - began operations in 1999 with a vision to create a model demonstration eco-village rooted in social, ecological, and economic well-being.

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But what exactly is an eco-village?

An eco-village is defined by Global Ecovillage Network as, “A community using participatory processes to holistically integrate ecological, economic, social, and cultural dimensions of sustainability".

They are essentially designed communities which strive to produce the least possible negative impact on the natural environment through intentional physical design and resident behaviour choices.

Many eco-villages grow their own food, produce and store their own electricity and generally aim to be self-sufficient.

An eco-village mostly ranges from a population of 50 to 250 individuals, although some are smaller, and traditional eco villages are often much larger.

Larger eco-villages often exist as networks of smaller sub-communities.

The Global Ecovillage Network lists almost 500 self-identified eco-villages around the world.

As the climate crisis accelerates, eco-villages and green-focused co-housing communities are on the rise.

Communities like O.U.R eco-village and others are trying to create viable models of sustainable, human-scale communities.

Could Ecovillages be the key to a more sustainable future?

Sources: EcoDrone Solutions - OurEcoVillage - Medium - Build Green - toitsalternatifs

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