Explorez les thématiquesTech et scienceSciencesWhat actually is color?

Tech et science

What actually is color?

Did you ever wonder what is color? In this video, Colm Kelleher describes the physical properties of colors.

jeudi 11 avril, Il y a 7 mois
 5 min

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Life exhibits color due to the wave-like nature of light. Waves, characterized by repetitive motion, have properties such as period and frequency. Light, being a wave, also possesses frequency, which determines its color. The visible spectrum ranges from red to purple, with each color corresponding to a specific frequency. Objects appear colored based on the light they reflect, with different colors being absorbed. Understanding these properties elucidates the phenomenon of color perception.


• Phenomenon: An observable event or occurrence

• Frequency: The rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time.

• Spectrum: A range of colors or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

• Reflect: Throw back without absorbing it.

• Absorb: Take in or soak up.

• Uncomfortable: Causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort.

• Metallica: A reference to the band Metallica, known for their black-themed merchandise.

Source: TED-Ed

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