Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Autour de toiVocabulary Quiz: In The Bedroom!

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Vocabulary Quiz: In The Bedroom!

Learn some vocabulary about the bedroom.

mercredi 14 d�c., Il y a 24 mois
 5 min

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activité, réalisez
jusqu'à 9 exercices :

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Texte à trous
Choix simple

A bed (noun): A furniture for sleeping.
A pillow (noun): A cushion for the head.
A blanket (noun): A fabric for warmth.
A sheet (noun, synonym: mattress cover): A cover for a mattress.
A wardrobe (noun): A cabinet for clothes.
An alarm clock (noun): A clock that wakes you up.
A dresser (noun): A furniture piece with drawers for clothing.
A bedside lamp (noun): A lamp for nightstand light.
A mirror (noun): A reflective surface.
A desk (noun): A table for working.
A bookshelf (noun): A shelf for books.
A curtain (noun): A fabric for covering windows.

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