Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureValentine's Day Origins

Arts et Loisirs

Valentine's Day Origins

Learn more about the history of Valentine's Day. Let's discover the origins of the holiday, Saint Valentine and popular ways to celebrate it.

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Valentine's Day is an annual celebration where people express love through gifts, cards and flowers. Its origins trace back to Roman festivals like Lupercalia. The commercialization of Valentine's Day began in the mid-1800s in the United States. The holiday is associated with Cupid, the Roman God of Love, and Saint Valentine, through his identity remains uncertain. One popular story involves Valentine's death on February 14th led to the holiday's association with that date. Today, Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide with traditions like roses, candy, and cards.

• Celebration: An event or occasion where people gather to commemorate something.
• Commercialization: The process of introducing a product or activity into commerce and making it available for sale.
• Martyr: Someone who sacrifices their life or suffers greatly for a belief, cause, or principle.
• Emperor: A sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially one ruling an empire.
• Distraction: Something that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
• Romantic: Relating to or characterized by a feeling of love or strong attraction.

Source: Twinkl USA

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