Explorez les thématiquesBusinessÉconomieUrbanisation and the rise of the megacity


Urbanisation and the rise of the megacity

Urbanization is often linked with economics. Better job opportunities, a centralized market, better pay and higher individual wealth have all drawn people into cities. And for a long time, these pull factors are what caused cities to grow.

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Urbanization is happening faster today than at any time in history. By 2030 nearly 9% of the global population will live in so-called megacities—cities with more than 10 million inhabitants.

In 1950 New York and Tokyo were the only so-called megacities; cities with more than 10 million inhabitants.

By 1980 Mexico City, Sao Paulo and Osaka joined their ranks. In 2010 there were over 20 megacities spanning almost every continent. Today, there are 32 megacities.

Asia accounts for over half of today's megacities. By 2030 nearly 9% of the world's population will live in 41 megacities. But it's in Africa that some of the most rapid urbanization will take place in future.


• So-called - Known as; often used to show that the name or term is commonly used, even if it may not be accurate.

• Megacities - Very large cities, typically with a population of more than 10 million people.

• Inhabitants - People who live in a particular place.

• Joined - Became part of a group or number.

• Spanning - Extending across.

• Urbanization - The process of making an area more urban, with more cities and towns.

• Accounts for - Represents a part of something.

• Rapid - Happening very quickly.

• Population - The total number of people living in a particular area.

• Nearly - Almost, but not completely or exactly.

Source: The economist

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