Explorez les thématiquesVie proCompétences professionnellesTips for Giving a Great Presentation


Tips for Giving a Great Presentation

Throughout your educational and professional career, you will likely be asked to give presentations. Designing clear, engaging presentations and communicating your ideas to others is a skill you will continually develop.

mardi 16 nov., Il y a 36 mois
 5 min

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While there are many different philosophies on how to give a presentation, there are a few simple skills you can learn to give excellent presentations, regardless of your preferred style. It can be helpful to set specific goals for yourself to improve over time. Many people spend their entire lives working on being a great speaker, so be patient and allow yourself to make mistakes.

In this video, we will discuss 6 ways you can begin learning and improving for your next presentation:

Keep your presentation simple.
Prepare and practice.
Start strong and tell stories.
Leverage body language, facial expressions and eye contact.
Use visuals.
Show enthusiasm. Relax and enjoy yourself.

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