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The Truth behind Australian Fish and Chips

A recent study reveals that fish and chips in Australia may not always contain what consumers expect.

lundi 3 juin, Il y a 5 mois
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Researchers from Macquarie University examined fish sold as ''flake,'' which is supposed to be shark meat from ''gummy sharks'' and other kinds of common sharks. DNA analysis showed that 88% of the samples labeled as flake were actually from different species, including three endangered ones. This mislabeling is a significant issue as a third of shark species worldwide face extinction. Marine conservationists are calling for stricter labeling regulations to ensure proper consumer awareness and shark protection.


• Flake: Shark meat used in fish and chips.

• Wholesalers: People or companies who sell large amounts of goods to stores, not directly to customers.

• A sample: A small part or piece of something used to show what the whole thing is like.

• To reckon: To think or believe something.

• Properly: In the right or correct way.

Source: Behind the News YouTube channel.

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