Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureThe rise and fall of the Celtic warriors

Arts et Loisirs

The rise and fall of the Celtic warriors

Trace the rise and fall of the ancient Celts, a group of hundreds of independent warrior tribes defeated by the Roman Empire.

mercredi 17 janv., Il y a 10 mois
 5 min

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One summer evening in 335 BCE, Alexander the Great was resting by the Danube River when a band of strangers approached his camp. Alexander had never seen anything like these tall, fierce-looking warriors with huge golden neck rings and colorful cloaks. They were Keltoi or Celts— a collection of independent tribes spread across Europe.

Encroach: To intrude gradually or stealthily.

Scythian: Relating to the Scythians, a group of ancient Iranian people.

Trophy: A prize or memento of one's victory, especially in battle.

Scoffing: Disdainful or contemptuous behavior; mocking.

Conquer: To overcome by force or subjugate.

Revolt: A rebellion or uprising against authority.

Holdouts: Those who resist or remain unconquered.

Cedar: A type of coniferous tree, often valued for its durable wood.

Satires: Literary works that use humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize or mock people or society.

Unconquered: Not subdued or overcome by force; undefeated.

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