One summer evening in 335 BCE, Alexander the Great was resting by the Danube River when a band of strangers approached his camp. Alexander had never seen anything like these tall, fierce-looking warriors with huge golden neck rings and colorful cloaks. They were Keltoi or Celts— a collection of independent tribes spread across Europe.
Encroach: To intrude gradually or stealthily.
Scythian: Relating to the Scythians, a group of ancient Iranian people.
Trophy: A prize or memento of one's victory, especially in battle.
Scoffing: Disdainful or contemptuous behavior; mocking.
Conquer: To overcome by force or subjugate.
Revolt: A rebellion or uprising against authority.
Holdouts: Those who resist or remain unconquered.
Cedar: A type of coniferous tree, often valued for its durable wood.
Satires: Literary works that use humor, irony, or ridicule to criticize or mock people or society.
Unconquered: Not subdued or overcome by force; undefeated.