Explorez les thématiquesVoyageTourismeThe changing face of tourism


The changing face of tourism

Since the 1950s, the number of people going on holidays has soared.

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Since the 1950's, the number of people going on holidays has soared. The global tourism industry is booming. In 2017, it generated eight trillion dollars to the economy, and accounts for 10% of employment worldwide.
Americans used to be the biggest movers in the industry. Now it's the Chinese. Last year, more Chinese people travelled and spent more money doing so than any other nationality.
As middle classes get wealthier across emerging market countries, so too, do their travel budgets. The number of Indian travellers is on the up with countries such as Jordan, Australia and Israel making it easier for Indians to get visas. Although, only 7% of Chinese citizens own a passport, by 2030, Chinese trips will account for around a quarter of international tourism.
Thailand is the top international destination for Chinese travellers. Mexico is the number one choice for residents of the United states, but Europeans tend to stay in Europe. Around 90% of nights spent by tourists in the E.U. are by European residents. Europe is the most visited continent, and France, the most visited country in the world. Tuvalu, the small island nation in South Pacific, the least. This is because it is so far away from the rest of the world. Tourism is increasing in most areas in the world except one. Travel bans on people from Muslim countries, more visa checks and the stronger dollar have made the United States a less attractive destination for visitors.

Difficult words:

soared: climb, fly
booming: growing
movers: emigrant
wealthier: rich; having a lot of money
bans: official forbiddance

Source: The Economist

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