Explorez les thématiquesQui suis-je ?Autour de toiPossessive Adjectives - She is 'my' sister!

Qui suis-je ?

Possessive Adjectives - She is 'my' sister!

What are Possessive Adjectives? Let's find out!

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Possessive adjectives are used before nouns. A possessive adjective shows possession or a relationship. Possessive adjectives in English have one form. There is no plural form.
I have a new car. My car is red.
In this example:
I… is the subject pronoun.
MY… is the possessive adjective.

Here are more examples of possessive adjectives:

He has a T-shirt. His T-shirt is too small. (He -> His)
She has a cat. Her cat is old. (She -> Her)
It is a cat. Its teeth are very sharp. (It -> Its)
We have a dog. Our dog is sweet. (We -> Our)
You have a house. Your house is nice. (You -> Your)
They have a car. Their car is black. (They -> Their)

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