Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieEnvironnementPlastic Decorations Vocabulary

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Plastic Decorations Vocabulary

In this video, we'll learn new vocabulary about party decoration and their ban in Byron Bay, Australia.

jeudi 20 juin, Il y a 5 mois
 5 min

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Byron Bay has joined other Australian locations in banning single-use decorations such as balloons, party poppers, glitter, and glow sticks in Council buildings, parks, and outdoor areas. This ban aims to protect the environment, as plastic products pose a significant threat to marine life, being mistaken for food and never fully breaking down. Under Australia's national waste policy action plan, many single-use plastics will be phased out by 2025. However, parties can still be vibrant with paper decorations like lanterns, streamers, and confetti, prompting a rethink of traditional party supplies.


• Decoration (noun): Items used to make something look more attractive.

• Banned (verb or past participle): Officially or legally prohibited.

• Marine life (noun): Animals and plants that live in the sea.

• Mistaken (past participle): Identified incorrectly.

• To Break down (verb): To decompose or disintegrate into smaller parts over time.

• Lantern (noun): A lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or bulb.

• Streamer (noun): A long, narrow strip of material used as a decoration.

• Party Poppers (noun): Small toys that make a popping sound and release confetti when pulled.

• Glitter (noun): Tiny, shiny pieces used to decorate things and make them sparkle.

• Glow sticks (noun): Plastic tubes that light up and glow in the dark when bent.

• Party Planning (noun): The process of organizing and preparing everything needed for a party.

• Threat (noun): Something that can cause harm or danger.

• Waste policy (noun): Rules about how to manage and reduce garbage.

• To Be Phased Out (verb): To slowly stop using something over time.

• Staple (noun): An important item that is used often.

Source: Behind the news Youtube channel.

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