Explorez les thématiquesBusinessÉconomie'Patriotic Millionnaires' say "Tax us more!"


'Patriotic Millionnaires' say "Tax us more!"

Phil White, a representative of Patriotic Millionaires UK, comprising over 100 billionaires and millionaires, joins activists in Davos to demand higher taxes on the ultra-wealthy.

jeudi 7 juil., Il y a 18 mois
 11 min

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Times are hard for many people. Prices are rising around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic and Ukraine War have pushed up food and energy bills. In some countries, the price of energy has tripled. In other countries, food is 20 per cent more expensive than a year ago.

A group of wealthy business leaders who own multi-billion-dollar companies has asked their governments to tax them more. The leaders met at a meeting of global leaders in Davos, Switzerland. The group of multi-millionaires and billionaires actually protested in the streets. They called for governments to increase taxes for people like them.

The protestors wanted fairer tax systems. The World Economic Forum has been held in Davos, Switzerland since 1971. World leaders meet there once a year to discuss global problems. The group of wealthy business people called themselves the Patriotic Millionaires.

A UK millionaire said:"It's outrageous that our political leaders listen to those who have the most but know the least about the economic impact of this cost of living crisis." He said many super-rich people "pay too little in taxes".

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