Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureMickey Mouse enters the public domain

Arts et Loisirs

Mickey Mouse enters the public domain

This TV coverage explores how Mickey Mouse's original film, Steamboat Willie, enters the public domain after 95 years, showcasing Disney's impact on both benefiting from and limiting public domain works due to copyright extensions.

mardi 2 janv., Il y a 11 mois
 6 min

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The video discusses the expiration of copyright protection for several famous books, films, and musical compositions, including the original version of the iconic animated characters, Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Steamboat Willie, the 1928 short film featuring Mickey, is now entering the public domain after 95 years, allowing their use in new creative works. However, this only applies to the black and white versions, not the later colorful renditions. The public domain's importance is highlighted, with Disney's role as both a beneficiary and a contributor to its diminishment due to copyright term extensions. Limitations of a work in the public domain include avoiding misleading consumers into thinking Disney endorses a product using these characters. The text emphasizes the excitement and opportunities for creativity as these works enter the public domain.


• A short: a short movie.

• Rodent: A small mammal like a mouse or rat.

• Culmination: The highest or final point of something.

• Valuable: Something very important or useful.

• Beloved: Loved or cherished very much.

• Figurehead: A symbol or leader that represents a group or organization.

• Diminishment: Making something smaller or reducing its size or importance.

• To delay: To make something happen later than planned or expected.

• Caveat: A warning or caution about something.

• Rendition: A version or interpretation of something, like a performance or presentation.

• To mislead: To deceive, to give the wrong idea or information that is not true.

• A case in point: An example that illustrates a particular situation or argument.

• Pal: a friend.

Source: CBS Chicago YouTube channel.

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