Explorez les thématiquesLes basesVocabulaireIdioms that just don't make sense! part. 2

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Idioms that just don't make sense! part. 2

The video delves into the eccentric world of idioms, expressing both amusement and frustration. The speaker questions the origins and logic behind common idioms.

mardi 23 janv., Il y a 10 mois
 5 min

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In the video, the speaker introduces and explains various idioms.
''Eat your heart out'' is described as a taunt expressing great accomplishment.
Another idiom involves being ''in a pickle'' signifying a troublesome situation.
''It's all downhill from here'' suggests that things will worsen, though the speaker argues downhill activities are enjoyable.
''Tickled pink'' conveys delight, and an offhand comment is made about its racial connotations.


• Taunt: To mock or provoke someone.
• Gruesome: Extremely unpleasant or horrifying.
• Troublesome: Causing difficulties or problems.
• Connotation: An idea or feeling a word invokes.
• Offhand: Without previous thought or consideration.

Source: Domics Youtube Channel

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