Explorez les thématiquesVoyageVoyagerHow this woman became the mother of sharks


How this woman became the mother of sharks

The unique bond between this diver and the sharks in her area.

jeudi 11 janv., Il y a 10 mois
 5 min

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The speaker, Cristina Zanato, is a diving professional specializing in working with sharks, particularly Caribbean reef sharks. Over 26 years, she has developed unique relationships with these creatures, recognizing them individually and even being nick-named "shark dancer" and "mother of sharks."

Zanato expresses immense joy and relaxation when sharks approach her, highlighting the privilege of wild animals feeling comfortable around her. The Bahamas, where she works, became a shark sanctuary in 2011 due in part to her efforts.

Zanato's connection with the sharks goes beyond just professional interaction; she describes moments of love and trust, emphasizing the acceptance she receives from these creatures as a beautiful and privileged experience.


• Relaxed: Feeling calm and comfortable.

• Privilege: A special advantage or right.

• Petition: A formal request or demand.

• Sanctuary: A place of refuge or safety.

• Masterpiece: A work of outstanding artistry or skill.

• Unique: Being the only one of its kind.

• Acceptance: The action of consenting to receive or undertake something.

• Trust: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Source: Great Big Story

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