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How Food Commercials Are Made

Did you ever wondered how food adds were made? Find out the truth here.

mercredi 25 sept., Il y a 1 mois
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Food commercials look perfect because of special techniques. Steve Giralt is a visual engineer who makes these commercials. He uses robots and special software to create amazing food shots. These shoots can cost a lot of money, from $50,000 to $100,000 for one day. Many people work together to make the food look good. There are stylists, engineers, and operators. Michelle Gatton is a food stylist. She prepares the food to look fresh and delicious. For example, she warms chocolate on brownies to make them look freshly baked. Steve uses machines to pour sauces perfectly. He also uses human hands when needed. The team tries many times to get the perfect shot. They use robots because they can do things at exactly the right time. Steve says it's important to understand what makes food look tasty. He enjoys seeing his ideas come to life in commercials that everyone can see.

• Mouthwatering (adjective): very appetizing or delicious
• Engineer (noun): a person who designs or builds machines, engines, or structures
• Shoot (noun): a filming or photography session
• Brand (noun): a type of product made by a particular company
• Symphony (noun): a group of people working together
• Stylist (noun): a person who arranges food to look attractive for photographs
• Recipe (noun): a set of instructions for preparing a dish
• Slider (noun): a device that moves smoothly along a track
• Ribbon (noun): a long, narrow strip
• Crucial (adjective): very important or necessary

Source: Insider

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