Explorez les thématiquesTech et scienceSciencesHow do you grow plants in space?

Tech et science

How do you grow plants in space?

Scientists are researching how different plant species grow in space and it is an important step towards making long-term stays possible.

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NASA is exploring space farming to sustain astronauts during long missions. Despite 40 years of experience, challenges persist, such as radiation, microgravity, and water management. Scientists study plant responses using imaging and machine learning. Plants on the International Space Station grow in LED units with hydroponic systems or lunar soil. Besides food production, space gardening offers therapeutic benefits and resource recycling.

• Microgravity - Very weak gravity, as experienced by objects in orbit around a celestial body.
• Fluorescence - The emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation.
• Hydroponic - A method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water, without soil.
• Lunar - Relating to the moon.
• Therapeutic - Having a healing or curative effect on the body or mind.
• Imaging - Creating visual representations of objects or patterns.
• Renewable - Capable of being replenished or replaced.
• Organism - A living thing.

Source: BBC News

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