Explorez les thématiquesMode de vieSantéGoing to bed late shortens our life, says study

Mode de vie

Going to bed late shortens our life, says study

A new study says that going to bed late may be bad for our health. It may even shorten our life.

jeudi 6 mai, Il y a 43 mois
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A new study says that going to bed late may be bad for our health. It may even shorten our life.

The study was carried out in the United Kingdom. Researchers spent six-and-a-half years looking at the lifestyles of 430,000 adults between the ages of 38 and 73.

At the end of the study, the researchers compared the deaths of people who went to bed early to those who went to bed late.

They found that night owls (people who go to bed late) were 10 per cent more likely to die during the period of the study.

The researchers concluded that night owls were at higher risk of an early death than early birds (people who slept early). Night owls were also at a greater risk of poor health compared to early birds.

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