Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéActualitésElon Musk visits Twitter carrying sink


Elon Musk visits Twitter carrying sink

Elon Musk Visits Twitter Headquarters With A Sink In His Hand, Changes Twitter Bio To ‘Chief Twit’

jeudi 27 oct., Il y a 15 mois
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Elon Musk has posted a video of himself walking into Twitter's headquarters carrying a sink, raising speculation about the fate of his planned takeover.

The billionaire faces a Friday deadline to complete the $44bn (£38bn) purchase, which he announced months ago but then tried to abandon.

He agreed to move forward earlier this month, just weeks before a court trial over those moves was due to start.

"Entering Twitter HQ - let that sink in!" Mr Musk wrote.

In business parlance, "kitchen sinking" means taking radical action at a company, though it is not clear if this was Mr Musk's message - he also updated his Twitter bio to read "chief twit".

However, the deal must be completed by 28 October, or he will face trial over the contract.

Source: CNN & LatestLY

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