Explorez les thématiquesBusinessÉconomieChina's ageing population: Can the country afford to grow old?


China's ageing population: Can the country afford to grow old?

In this BBC video, we will listen to different points of view on what it is to grow old in China.

lundi 8 avril, Il y a 7 mois
 7 min

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China is facing a demographic crisis with an aging population and declining birth rates. The strain on pension and healthcare systems is increasing as one in five people are over 60. While some elderly can afford comfortable retirement, others, especially in rural areas, struggle without pensions. To address this, China is exploring solutions such as encouraging elderly employment and elderly care models (retirement homes). However, the imbalance between the elderly and young populations poses a significant challenge to China's economy and future development.


• To shrink: To become smaller or decrease in size.

• Elderly population: People who are old, typically over the age of 60.

• To cope: To deal effectively with something difficult or challenging.

• To witness: To see something important happening.

• To rely on: To depend on someone or something for support.

• To think something through: To carefully consider or evaluate something before making a decision.

• A pension: Money that is regularly paid to someone, usually after they retire from work.

• Graying gracefully: Aging in a way that is dignified and stylish, especially regarding hair turning gray.

• A burden: Something that is difficult to bear or causes worry or difficulty.

• Feeble: Weak or lacking strength, due to old age or illness.

Souce: BBC News YouTube channel.

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