Explorez les thématiquesL'actualitéNouvelles tendancesBehind Olympic Broadcasting Rights


Behind Olympic Broadcasting Rights

The video humorously explains the strict broadcasting rules around the Olympic Games.

jeudi 8 ao�t, Il y a 3 mois
 5 min

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Due to these rules, ABC’s BTN (Behind the News) cannot show live Olympic footage and must adhere to the IOC’s “three by three by three” rule, allowing only three minutes of footage spread over three different programs at least three hours apart.

Channel 9 is the only Australian TV station with the rights to broadcast the Olympics, having paid $305 million for them. These broadcasting rights are crucial for both revenue generation and viewership.

The video also touches on Australia’s anti-siphoning laws, designed to ensure significant events like the Olympics remain available on free-to-air TV, preventing pay TV or streaming services from monopolizing them.

Despite some criticisms regarding online streaming loopholes, the current laws ensure that this year's Olympics will be freely available on Channel 9.

• Broadcasting: Transmitting a program by radio or television.

• Footage: Recorded video or film material.

• Strict: Demanding that rules are followed exactly.

• Rights: Legal entitlements to do something.

• Viewership: The audience that watches a particular program.

• Monopolizing: Taking complete control of something.

• Loophole: An ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.

Source: Behind the News

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