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Avoid toxic work culture

What is toxic culture and how to avoid it?

jeudi 18 ao�t, Il y a 28 mois
 7 min

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A toxic work culture is marked by poor communication, micromanagement, excessive workloads, lack of recognition, favoritism, and bullying, leading to stress, low morale, and high turnover. To avoid it, promote open communication, empower employees with trust and proper delegation, set realistic expectations, and recognize employees' efforts and contributions consistently.


• Keenly (adverb): Very sharply or intensely.
• To beat someone down (verb): To make someone feel very tired, weak, or discouraged.
• To slow someone down (verb): To make someone go slower.
• Gossip (verb): Talking about other people's private lives, often spreading rumors.
• Hire (verb): To give someone a job.
• Enlightened (adjective): Having a lot of knowledge and understanding, especially about important things.
• Unintended (adjective): Not planned or meant to happen.
• Empathetic (adjective): Understanding and sharing someone else's feelings.
•Trait (noun): A trait is a specific characteristic or quality that someone or something has. It's like a feature or aspect that helps describe what someone is like or how something behaves. For example, kindness and honesty are traits of a good person.

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