Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureApril Fool's Day : Origins and Traditions

Arts et Loisirs

April Fool's Day : Origins and Traditions

April 1st is commonly known as April Fools' Day, a day for playful pranks and hoaxes.

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April Fools' Day, though not an official holiday, is celebrated worldwide with pranks . Its origins are uncertain , with one theory tracing it back to France in the 16th century when the Gregorian calendar was introduced, moving the start of the year to January 1st. However, this theory has flaws as the switch to the new calendar was gradual. Other theories suggest earlier origins, such as ancient Roman festivals. The tradition evolved over time, with English pranksters celebrating it by the 1700s. It gained popularity with the involvement of media and businesses . Notable hoaxes include the BBC's spaghetti tree hoax in 1957 and a fast food chain's left-handed burger prank in 1998.


• Hoaxes (noun) - Tricks intended to deceive.
• Pranks (noun) - Playful tricks.
• Tradition (noun) - A long-established custom or belief.
• Reluctant (adjective) - Unwilling or hesitant.
• Customary (noun) - According to the customs or usual practices associated with a particular society, place, or set of circumstances.
• Outlaw - (verb) to make illegal.
• Productivity - (noun) efficiency.
• Gullible - (adjective) easily fooled.

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