Explorez les thématiquesArts et LoisirsArt et cultureApril Fool's Day in France: Origins & Traditions

Arts et Loisirs

April Fool's Day in France: Origins & Traditions

April 1st is commonly known as April Fools' Day, a day for playful pranks and hoaxes.

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April Fool's Day, known as "Le poisson d'avril" in French, is a day of practical jokes and hoaxes that is celebrated in France and other countries on April 1st. The tradition of April Fool's Day in France dates back to 1564 when King Charles IX proclaimed the new year to start on January 1st instead of April 1st.

However, some people were not happy with this change and continued to celebrate the new year on April 1st. Those who accepted the new calendar began to play pranks on the reluctant ones and give them fish as gifts, as it was customary to eat fish during the end of Lent. This is why the April fish became a symbol of the day and people used to stick paper fish on the backs of their victims as a joke.

The tradition of April Fool's Day is still observed in the French media, with many news outlets publishing fake news stories or pranks on April 1st. However, it is common practice for them to reveal the truth the next day.

The day is enjoyed by both children and adults, who take pleasure in playing jokes on their friends and family. April Fool's Day in France is a fun and lighthearted tradition that celebrates humor and laughter.

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